Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
How can I control genital Herpes Natural remedies can halo stop outbreaks.
Anaturopathic doctor says:
Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus, which is usually transmitted through sexual contact. Ciutbre ak symptoms inelude itching, burning or pain in the genital area. as well as pressure in the abdomen, vaginal discharge and open sores.The treatment: You cant get rid of the herpes virus, but bolstering your immune system with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 50 milligrams of zinc si day should help keep the virus dormant.
The amino acid lysine has also been shown to prevent outbreaks: take 1.000 milligrams three times a day, even if you don‘t have symptoms,and eat lysine-rich foods, including most vegetables, leg1.Ines.i‘ish. turkey and micken Avoid chocolate. riuts and seeds-all contain the amino acid arginine, which can stimulate the herpes virus.
-Michaelmurray,ND,paradisa Valley,Ariz-based naturopath.
An herbalist says:
The herpes virus usually goes dormant atfer the initial infection. But it can be reactivated by anything that weakens your body's immune and nervous systems. The treatment: Research shows lemon balm can prevent the herpes virus from replicating inside your body and causing outbreaks. At the first sign of an outbreak, apply lemon balm cream arqlwhere you feel burning, itching or painfrou can also use lulcewarm lemon balmtea (1 tablespoon of dried herb per cup of water) as a wash or sitz bath.
lf you already have an outbreak.a swipe of St.John’s wort oil can relieve pain and help heal sores, and Prunella vulgaris, an herb also known as self heal, can stop itching. Use self heal topically in tea form (1 tablespoon of dried herb per cup of water) or in a homemade infused oil (1 ounce of ground herb in 4 to 8 ounces of olive oil).
-Maria Noel Groves,a clinical herbalst in Allenstown, N.H.
A horneipath says:
Recurring herpes outbres ks can be caused by a variety offactors, ranging from stress in your life to fluctuating barometric pressure in your environment. A homeopath can set up a long-term treatment plan. but there are also some quick Fixes for specific symptoms. The treatuienl: if you have painful burning and s genital rash, tryArseri from of album; if those symptoms are worse when the air is cold, choose hepsrsulphuris instead.Amica can relieve soreness, and sulphur is good for itching.
Or, if you tend to get herpes flare-ups when you're preme nstrual. try sepia. Each of these remedies should be taken one at a time, not in comunction. Whichever remedy you choose, start with a dilution of 6C and take the product for three to four days to see if it works before switching to a different homeopzrtluc treatment.
-Joe Kellerstein,N,D D.C registered homeopath Ontario,Canada
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BalasHapusGenital herpes is a viral disease caused by HSV 2 , causing blisters and sores on the genitals. It has uncovered antiviral properties in many foods and natural products that have to show to be effective at treating the symptoms of genital herpes outbreaks. Thanks a lot...
Herbal Treatment For Herpes