Jumat, 08 Juni 2012



1. Caffeine: It may take six to eight hours for the effects of caffeine to wear off completely. Caffeine is believed to interfere with sleep signals by blocking adenosine receptors.

2. Nicotine: This is a stimulant that causes lighterthan- normal sleep patterns.

3. Alcohol: It often has an initial sedating effect, but it can prevent rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and the deep stages of non-REM sleep during the night.

4. Psychological disorders: They can disrupt REM and deep sleep. Depression may cause insomnia as well.

5. Nighttime exercise: Daytime exercise is associated with improved nighttime sleep, but evening exercise can delay the release of melatonin that helps someone fall asleep at night. The National Sleep Foundation recommends leaving three hours between exercise and sleep, if possible.

6. Large meals: They can make it tough to fall asleep because they can cause indigestion. Excessive fl uid intake can cause you to awaken frequently to urinate.

7. Chronic pain: Painful conditions such as fi bromyalgia and arthritis can interfere with sleep.

8. Medications: Many pain relievers contain caffeine; decongestants and steroid medications can disrupt sleep; and beta-blockers can make it diffi cult to fall asleep and cause frequent nighttime awakenings.

9. Environment: Noise, lighting, and uncomfortable temperatures also can interfere with a good night’s sleep.

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